We understand that when your print equipment breaks down, you need reliable service immediately from experienced technicians. That’s why we’re here to help YOU.
The LaserAge trained technicians will handle all repairs at your office location, ensuring all difficulties you have been enduring with your print equipment have been resolved.
LaserAge understands that certain situations require immediate assistance. That’s why we offer our print and imaging solutions over the phone/web, where our highly-trained technical support representatives will remotely access your equipment to monitor and repair print diagnostics. We have 7500+ representatives across North America prepared to handle and provide solutions to your printer needs.
LaserAge provides satisfaction in our service and maintenance being completed on the very first service repair trip, maintaining over 85% accuracy on parts suggestions.
Click here to schedule a service request for repairs or general maintenance on your printer, copier, fax machine or other print equipment.
Just purchased new print equipment or is your office moving to a new location?
Our experienced print technicians will help you install the machine & ensure it is set-up correctly and appropriately for your needs. The LaserAge technician will provide training and support through the use of your machine to ensure seamless print equipment installation.
LaserAge also offers installations at no charge, upon the purchase of a machine from us directly.
Please contact us for more information regarding print equipment installation – info@laserage.on.ca.